Apex BOOST Library
v1.7 from Lucidware Solutions (LWS)


global virtual inherited sharing class Http

A utility class for making HTTP callouts. Get, Post, Put, Patch, and Delete methods are supported.

 // Do a simple HTTP GET callout
 String result = new aBoost.Http('https://httpbin.org/get').get();

 // Do a POST callout using a named credential with a body
 MyResult result = (MyResult)new aBoost.Http('callout:SapService/order')


global HttpRequest request
The request can be used independently or added to a Continuation



global Http(String endpoint)
DescriptionConstruct an Http object with the specified endpoint
Parameterendpoint: the URL or Named Credential
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if endpoint is blank



global String del()
DescriptionDo an HTTP DELETE callout
Returnsthe response body
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE


global Object del(Type returnType)
DescriptionDo an HTTP DELETE callout
Returnsthe response, converted to 'returnType', if not null
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE
ThrowsJSONException if the result cannot be converted to 'returnType'


global String get()
DescriptionDo an HTTP GET callout
Returnsthe response body
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE


global Object get(Type returnType)
DescriptionDo an HTTP GET callout
Returnsthe response, converted to 'returnType', if not null
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE
ThrowsJSONException if the result cannot be converted to 'returnType'


global String patch()
DescriptionDo an HTTP PATCH callout
Returnsthe response body
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE


global Object patch(Type returnType)
DescriptionDo an HTTP PATCH callout
Returnsthe response, converted to 'returnType', if not null
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE
ThrowsJSONException if the result cannot be converted to 'returnType'


global String post()
DescriptionDo an HTTP POST callout
Returnsthe response body
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE


global Object post(Type returnType)
DescriptionDo an HTTP POST callout
Returnsthe response, converted to 'returnType', if not null
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE
ThrowsJSONException if the result cannot be converted to 'returnType'


global String put()
DescriptionDo an HTTP PUT callout
Returnsthe response body
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE


global Object put(Type returnType)
DescriptionDo an HTTP PUT callout
Returnsthe response, converted to 'returnType', if not null
ThrowsCalloutException on an HTTP status code < SUCCESS or >= FAILURE
ThrowsJSONException if the result cannot be converted to 'returnType'


global Http setBody(Object body)
DescriptionSet the body to be sent. The body may be a String, Blob, or other serializable object
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if body is null


global Http setCertName(String certName)
DescriptionIn cases where the external service requires a client certificate for authentication, set the name of the client certificate
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if certName is blank


global Http setCompressed(Boolean compressed)
DescriptionIf true, the data in the body is delivered to the endpoint in the gzip compressed format
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if compressed is null


global Http setHeader(String key, String value)
DescriptionSet a header key and value to be sent
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if key is null


global Http setParam(String key, Object value)
DescriptionSet a query parameter key and value to be sent


global Http setTimeout(Integer timeout)
DescriptionSet a custom timeout value (in milliseconds)
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if timeout is null or negative


global class Mock implements HttpCalloutMock
Descriptionan HttpCalloutMock implementation for testing web service callouts

Can handle multiple endpoints, multiple methods per instance, and multiple responses per endpoint/method

 // test simple callout (will be used for all callouts in the transaction)
 aBoost.Http.mock(new aBoost.Http.Mock('b1'));
 ... // run Apex that performs callouts and validate results

 // test several different callouts (each will be used only once)
 Mock m = new aBoost.Http.Mock('GET', 'https://google.com', 'b1');
 m.add('GET', 'https://google.com', 'b1'); // test second GET callout
 m.add('PUT', 'https://google.com', 'b3'); // test PUT to Google
 m.add('GET', 'https://amazon.com', 'b4', aBoost.Http.FAILURE); // test GET callout to Amazon
 ... // run Apex that performs callouts and validate results



global void add(String method, String endpoint, Object body)
DescriptionAdd a successful callout mock for a specific method and endpoint
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if method or endoint is blank


global void add(String method, String endpoint, Object body, Integer status)
DescriptionAdd a callout mock for a specific method and endpoint
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if method or endoint is blank, or status is null


global Mock(Object body)
DescriptionConstruct a single, successful callout mock that will be used for all callouts in the transaction


global Mock(Object body, Integer status)
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if status is null


global Mock(String method, String endpoint, Object body)
DescriptionConstruct a successful callout mock for a specific method and endpoint; call 'add' to specify mocks for additional callouts
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if method or endoint is blank


global Mock(String method, String endpoint, Object body, Integer status)
DescriptionConstruct a callout mock for a specific method and endpoint; call 'add' to specify mocks for additional callouts
ThrowsInvalidParameterValueException if method or endoint is blank, or status is null